Tuesday, May 3, 2011

my life


               Hi this is a story about a girl named Ayah Nasser.  Ayah is 15 year old girl that lived in Palestine for 7 and half years. She now lives in San Francisco lives happily with her parents. Ayah goes to City Arts and Technology High School.  When she was there she remember being with balcony and I saw a whole lot of soldiers drive by my house. She got scared, so she went inside her house to ask her aunt what and who they are? Her aunt told me that they are just regular police there to protect our country.

             One thing that she remembers about Palestine is all her family and friends in her house and having fun. One good thing is that she  remember that her aunt and uncle gave her everything that she  wanted but also they cared a lot for her like she was their own child. Her aunt and uncle wish to have her back with them but her parents don’t want that right now with all the war going on and the people not caring about what’s going on.

                In Palestine she ate a lot of different kinds of food but of course mostly Arabic food. The most foods she ate there was in the morning which was humus, falafel and tea. But after a while she got sick of eating it too much but now she would love to eat it again with her family in Palestine.

        The difference between San Francisco and Palestine is that here there is more freedom and over there is not much freedom as much but even though she still love her country no matter what happens to it. And it will always stay in her heart and she will also keep her family in her heart and maybe some day she will go and visit them again. (They are still alive).

           In Palestine she felt okay but also scared even though she didn’t know exactly what was going on she still had a feeling that there is something bad going to happen. But now that she is older she understands more of what exactly is happening. her family in Palestine wanted her to be safe so they moved her to San Francisco to live with her parents.
      She felt scared and worried when she heard about the war. she didn’t know what to do and what was going on in her country so she kept her feelings to herself but the thing is that she couldn’t leave but then eventually her parents wanted her to have a good and protective life in san Francisco so that’s when she left Palestine and came to S.F in the year 2001. 

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