Monday, May 6, 2013

Kelly's immigration story

                                                    Kelly’s immigration

          I interviewed my sister about her immigration. Her name is Kelly Wu, from China, has 28 years old, got married and lives in Venezuela now. In 1998, she lived in a small village call “ShangKaiCun”. There were poor, that place of people was nice.  
           One day, she heard her grandma said they had chance to leave, she could move to other place, she was happy and sad, because she could move, began new life and leave the place that she had grown.
            The day when she leaves, she was crying. But her mom comforts her, said its ok, daughter, we separate this time, we will meet again next time.
              In the airplane, she felt surprised because it’s her first time to ride the airplane, during in the airplane, she couldn’t sleep, while no one played with her, and she didn’t speak English and Spanish, she just thinking how is another country looks like.
              She felt exciting and tired when she arrives Venezuela. Next day, she felt Spanish was difficult when she began to learned Spanish because she learned by herself. Sometime had some Venezuelans teach her where she working, she work in a restaurant called ‘HaoLiWang’. She felt happy to working there.
              There are public security was bad, while there less Chinese and there had many kidnap, the offender often kidnap Chinese and kids. The police also were like to bully Chinese, usually in policy check of the name to get some secret money from Chinese’s restaurant and stories. The only one thing that she doesn’t like in Venezuela is the public security is bad.
               Now she doesn’t want to get back to China, because it’s already habit in Venezuela’s life and she got marry, she likes live in there. Has a happy family in there.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

My father's story

by Simon Chen

    My father’s name is GuiQiang Chen. He is from China. He is 44 years old. He came to America in 2009. He loves America. And he wants to have a new life. So he came America. Now, he lives in San Francisco. Before, he lived in Guangzhou.
    In his childhood, it was a very hard time. He said his childhood was bad. Because his family was poor. His parents had jobs. They just could get a little money every month. But my father forgets what kind of jobs they had. My father lived with his parents in a small house. This house just had simple furniture. In his 7 years old, he almost dies because he had not any food to eat.
    When he grew up, he had a better life. And he got marry when he was 24. He thinks his wife is beautiful. He loves her.
    My father has also done many jobs. About five jobs. He likes transport. But he just knows a little English, so he think it is hard for him to find the job in America. But he learned a lot of things from his childhood, so he will be harder and harder now

An immigration story

by Melissa

Paulina Hernandez has the age of 17 years. Paulina is from Mexico. She lives with her grandmother Paulina came on October 1, 2011. Paulina came because she wanted to see her mom. She immigrant to the United States by plane by the time I was immigrating I felt good and I saw a lot of places. She lives with mother and brother. She is happy because live with family. For her it is difficult to live in United States because she can not speak very good English.

A Storm at the North Pole

by Khalil
                 This stories about my father his name Khalid Meftah. He is from South Yemen.  Eight years ago my father was working with Merchant Marine on a boat.  There was 30 or 35 people in the boat. One day during summer time his captain said we need to go to get some supplies for the Air Force. We will get for them some supplies for whole year because during summer time that’s only time we have chance to get to North Pole. However the place we went to is very dangerous because there is a lot of storms that happened to us. When we went there one storm attacked our ship the time we were in the North Pole. It was so frightening and dangerous. During the storm our ship stopped and we couldn’t move of all because the ice hindered our way. At that time the weather was so freezing and there was a lot of ice and high wind.
                  The country called Greenland belongs to Denmark. That’s where were the air force base is in the city call Tally. Then we had some help from Canadian coastguard they made a way for us through the frozen ocean. That took us long time to get at the place but it doesn’t matter because we made it safety. So we ticked the point and we were in a raft where there was ice, storms and a lot of winds. It was very freezing cold. I couldn’t feel my body because it was so cold. After that we got to this place, after that the ship started to tip. Then we were working very slowly because the high winds. However we were taking two or three container each day at the most four containers each day because we couldn’t get more because of the bad weather. Also we stayed their almost a week probably ten days. After that we started to take the containers, cars and foods out of the ocean. Then we started to tip the ship and move to the North Pole. After that must of the ice broken down and the high winds got better.  Then we went back to the USA with light winds, the captain and everyone was on the ship.  So we got back to the US safely and everybody was safe.  It was a tough time and scary. 

My Father’s Different Llife

By Yonglin Yan

My father is 46 years old .In 2002, my father started our immigration application .It spent so much time .So it is a very difficult thing .He did this thing that the most important cause is that he wants my sister and I to have the better education .In China,study is a very tired thing .So, there’s a chance that my father can make us feel not so hard on study .Even though that’s not so easy .And the other cause that he wanted to immigrate was he was unemployed .It was hard to find a job in China .So he also wanted to have a steady job that he can support his family .
    When he first arrived at San Francisco .He felt uncomfortable .Because he didn’t know anything about here .Everything is so strange for him .It means he needs to start his another life and he needs to face a lot of challenges .He just can try his best to deal with all of the problems .
    When we arrived here ,my father only had one day to have a rest .He needs to transact many things ,even though he was very tired .Then ,he was finding jobs with his relative’s help .Cause he don't konow English ,so if he wanted to find a job ,that’s more difficult .And he had a long time that he did not work .Even he found a lot of works but still cannot found a proper job .It’s too hard .
    He told me that he had a job that is in a factory . The factory was far away from our home . So he had to got up very early ,and he came home was late .He felt very tired after work .And he needed to care of us ,too.
     He had a friend in the factory ,his workmate .And this guy was the boss's relative .He liked to say the bad things about the people who worked in the factory .Then made the boss to dismiss those people .He was so mean ! The boss respected him and sometimes he dismissed the people who he said .One time ,my father quarreled with him .He was very angry and he went to the boss and asked him to dismiss my father . My father felt so helplessness .Then he went to find the other job again .He never gave up !!!
     Now my father got a proper job already and he was stilltrying his best to face the challenges .

An immigrant story

by Andy Situ  
                   I interviewed student named Yitong, she is 16 years old. She is from china. She lived with her grandparents and her father in her country. She immigrated to the United States in 12/21/2011. She decided to immigrate to the United States, because her mom said: she could have better fuller and learned English in United States. She immigrated to the United States by plane. She tidied her suites with her clothes and some important souvenir. Then she carried suitcase and took a bus with her mom, sister, and brother to Hong Kong and boarding At 12:00am her uncle picked them up in airport and derived them to our new home. Her trip was difficult to immigrate to the United States because this was her first time of by plant. She lives with Uncle, mother, sister and brother in the United States. She is happy in the United States because the environment in United States is good and she made many friends. Living in the Unites States is difficult because she didn’t understand English and she didn’t speaking English. 

My Grandmother's childhood memories

by Joshua R.

I make an interview to my grandmother and I ask some questions about her childhood memories and she told me it’s OK.

When she was 15 years old, she went to San Francisco California; her name is Alma Dinora Garcia she’s from Guadalajara, Mexico.
She went to San Francisco because her family was there living and then sons to.

In her school she never had a fight because she was scariest to have a fight because if she have a fight her mother punisher her, but now she is a great fighter.
When she was a little girl she like jump the rope and play volleyball whit her friends.

Then she graduated of the school and gets a job on the Taqueria ‘Pancho Villa’ on the missions street, She meet a lot of Mexican people, now she works in the Di Marillac middle school , she gives the food to kids.

In a party she meet her husband Jose, she talk whit him and become friends pass a lot of years and she married him, he works in Specialtys cafĂ© and in a Japanese  restaurant .

Now everybody is happy :D ……