Thursday, May 2, 2013

Strong man

                                                            by Sam
This is a story I write after I interview my father. He is nice now; he is old now, too. He was born in 1970s, he was born in China. Now, he is in America. He doesn’t like it here because the room where we live is small. He wants to change. But he doesn’t want to do any things, he want me to do. He felt happier on China. Because he felt very relax in China. His job was only take care me in China. Total, he did not do a good job. Sometimes, he went to play with his friends.
In my father’s childhood, it was more different than now. Because now he is old. But when he was young, he was very strong. This is from his childhood. OK, let us come back. I ask him about his childhood. Then, he tells me:” When I was a student. I have very good body. My body was very good at sport. I was very good at explosive. However ,
I did not do very good at sports. But I have very strong, explosive power. Thinking back, I join two sports. I was the NO.1 in these two sports respectively are running, and far jump. I remember one time when I past in the run game. My enemy ran. He run always more slowly than me. This time I past slowly. Just can join the finals. My enemy was very happy. He think I do not feel  good or somethings,but I just think join finals is ok. So, my enemy lost his hope again. He lost again.
My father is a very good sports man. I agree that.

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