Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My Uncle’s Immigrant Experience

By Johnson Ma

 His name is Steven. He immigrated to United States in 2000. It was for architectural challenge.

My uncle lived in Chinatown when he poor. His first job was renovating buildings. This job was very hard and low-wage. His parents were nice and supported to him when he was poor. He thinks good education background is very important to get good job. Because someone just pick who’ s education background is good. It also need to good at something or have technology. So he came to United States for education too. He thinks pay money for rent is the most important thing for new comer. He also agree if work hard or have good knowledge is good for living in United States. He tried to work at architectural company for designer.

His principle is cannot get benefit form government. Because young man should work very well and hard. But he could get job for expense when he poor.

He thinks if something failure in life. We need to still can’t give up anything. College life is the most important  for learning how to get useful job. He braves to do very things.

I should learn the concept from my uncle’s life. Get money in United States is so hard for new comer. So I need to so hard to learning for my life.

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