Thursday, May 2, 2013


Bania  zuniga
My interview is about immigration the one Im interviewing my sister yuri zuniga  she is from Honduras she came to united states when she was 18 years old she felt so sad goin to the united states because her family was in Honduras one experience that she have when she came to the united states was appreciate the thing that she have and never do things with out thinking she came to the USA to have a better education the strongest memory that she have is her familie in Honduras but she will work hard to became a better person and to be someone in this life for her family in the united states, she live with her mother, sisters and daughter, she says the different from Honduras with united states is the houses the street ,the houses in the united states is different with Honduras because in Honduras the houses are for not weather hi she her 21 years old.
the school in the united states is better because the teachers help you more and explain better the things and details she is learning more here because she learning new things and also she learned a new language

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