Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My Uncle's Story

by Sharon
            I have an interesting story, I want to share this story that I interviewed to everybody. I have an interesting uncle; my uncle is young as my brother. He likes to make jokes. He said that he was thin as a monkey at that time. My uncle’s eyes are brown and he is tall. My uncle smiles like the sun.

            I will describe my uncle’s stores of immigration and how to starting a family. He came to San Francisco in 1993. He felt San Francisco was changed a lot. He was 16 years old come to Untied Stated. He came to United Stated because my mom want to him had good future in United Stated. We are talk about his how to staring a family. He has a happy family. He meets his wife in high school. He is careful man because he remembers their wedding anniversary. They don’t like San Francisco that much. Because my uncle and his wife born in China and they live in China for a long time. They are 4 people in my uncle’s family.

            When my uncle came to United Stated the first thing, he want to do is find a good job help his family had a better life. My uncle think he can get a better life in United Stated. He can work very hard because he thinks there are more woke opportunities and living changes in United Stated. He feel nice in here American treat other country. People very well and here had good environment. He feel here had more change to let me earn more money. Because had more money, so if had more money. He can help his family get a better life. He thinks for his family even though is hard but he needs to give his family better life. He thinks United Stated environment is better than China, because there are behind the ocean is making United State air fresher and you’re better than China. Because he wants to give his family had a good future. My uncle felt she was a good girl, because she always cares me and talk to me. He will say “its ok” because he will do housework.

            My uncle wants before is 2 baby. They think can have better life, because he work so hard and his wife also had a good job. They came to United Stated, they had a lot of trouble, they always had different idea and they always argue each other cause they felt had when they first time came to United Stated. He get along well with his daughter, he always bring her go travel. He teaches his daughter do the homework. My family changes me a lot, my uncle need to work very hard and give them better life. His wife helps him when he needs to help and need to support.

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