Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Learning a New Language

By Karla Alfaro

When Fatima came to the United States she was 14 year old. She didn’t decide it was her mom’s decision. She wanted her brother and her to come here for better future. When Fatima came here and did not how to speak in English it was very hard for her she also felt sad. Because same of the students were talking in English expect her because she was new in this country. Something that Fatima remember when she began learning English in that Fatima went to tutoring to learn new words and also to do her homework. Something that was difficult to learn English for  Fatima was pronouncing the words. She likes to speak English at lot   over levan  is  no she language but she thing it is something hag she had learn new language that people that had. Her classmates helped because she predice she English with them. Fatima remember when she used to ask for translate for the opening. Fatima only speaks for two languages ,Spanish and English Fatima remember the first word that she learned was my name is Fatima.

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