Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Anti-Japanese War

Japan's unconditional surrender

Kimi Luo
Burning July 7th, 1937,the Anti-Japanese war was begun. The Chinese called that war is Anti-Japanese War, the Japanese called that war was China-Japan War, and also other the majority of Western countries called that war is second Anti-Japanese war. That war was begun in “Marco Polo Bridge Incident”. The armies fight lasting eight years. In September 2, 1945, China was won the war.
My grandma is a Chinese who boring in the Anti-Japanese War. One day I need write the stories about her. I like when she talks the stories about this war.
Burning the Anti-Japanese War, she was in rural, when the Japanese came to her town, all the people moved to the other town. After that she was moved to big city –Guangzhou.
 In Guangzhou, there have lot of stand guard, when people saw the Japanese solider, the people must need to salute to them, if people don’t pay a attention, people will be died.
 Japanese people will kill the Chinese. Many Chinese.
 Her hear rape but it is not in Guangzhou, it happened in rural or countryside. There are lots of rapes.
She don’t like Japanese, when she saw the Japanese, she will felt angry and scared.
When she knows about the story in Nanking, she was very angry about that, because Japanese also so reason to killed the Chinese people, but she are not in Nanjing, but many people know the stories happened in Nanking. Many Chinese very angry.

Burning the War, there have 35million Chinese died, 70 thousands Japanese solders died. Many Chinese people hate this war and Japanese. History always changed people hate each other. Special happened in Nanking, the Japanese killed the Chinese man and rape their wife or children. That is the eternal shadow. No people can change the history. Never ever.


  1. Haha i am the first person to evaluation your story. This is a good story, i like it , cause of i also like to hear some stories about China history like you!
