Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mr. Marcel's Life

By: Tao
          This story is about Mr. Marcel’s languages. Mr. Mrcel has moved to many counties and learned some languages. The story beins in Boston, Massachusetts. One day he was born
there. His father speaks French, but he was born in U.S. Mr. Marcel felt happy, because he started to learn four languages.
          He can speak four languages: English, French, Arabic and Spanish. Why he chose French, Arabic and Spanish is because most people are Spanish in Californian, learn it in California. He chose Arabic because he loves this language, because he loves the sound and loves the culture and the food. Mr. Marcel learned that language in Syria. He spoke English first in Syria then learned Arbic.
          Mr. Marcel decided to learn some languages. He thinks that English is best, he has been to Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, and San Francisco in 2008. He has a job here; he likes San Francisco. After that, he wanted to learn Mandarin Chinese, because he has met nice people from China who he would like to understand.
          In the end he is in San Francisco. He is a science teacher. Now, he is happy, because he learns English and Spanish. He wants to learn Chinese.


  1. By:Islam

    I think you did good job by writing about your teacher, but I wonder that it isn't enough for story.

  2. = =.
    Mr.Marcel you are very smart and cool~~
    i hope i can speak to you in Chinese very soon

  3. i like that he wants to learn more languages he is one of my favorite teachers. good job tao i love it.
    katherine h.

  4. your story is very good. Mr.Marcel is a really hard and intelligent teacher. By:Kevin Z

  5. iigh Mr. Marcel :D wiwi...
    u r a great teacher ;D w/ Irene mediana

  6. learning different is very fun, and i very envious you can speak 4 language...
    by: jingjing

  7. wow this story I like it but is missing some details however congratulations :) Karen Franco

  8. By:Chongwei Huang
    Haha,great job Tao,my best got lots of improve and I very proud of this. Next time, try to make story longer and completely, you should ask more question about how Mr.Marcel learn. I like it.

  9. woow! for meit's unfair mr. Marcel. haha you know why? you don't want to speak tagalog. aww:'( it makes me cry...:)
    anyways your story is great...One question is it hard to learn different languages and cultures?
    <3 ilyn <3
