Thursday, April 28, 2011

My Mother’s Life

X: Do you like to do the housewife or work to go out? Why?

M: Go out to work become that climate feel.  

X: Child you wish to give birth to before you is a girl or boy? Why?

M: Before as hemp of considering men superior to women.

X: Do you want to return to China? Why?

M: Half wants half not to think of.

X: Mama, Why can you come beautiful fruit to live?

M: Uncle retain we and come out .

X: Why can you like to go to the dad?

M: It is nothing. Miai and knew. They had drawn a prize winning ticket in a lottery facing you. Is caught by 100 million dollars. 

X: What do you take it and do?

M: (Laugh) Come back to China.

X: How can you meet and is badly off time after after you wipe out?

M: I can want to do all ore can do to the way and wipe out do not let you.

by XiaoYu

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