Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Enjoy This Moment

 By: Junjian Guan(Jerry)

            This story is about my friend. She changes her friends, family members and her life. Her name is Xiaohua Qin (Sarah), she study at San Francisco International High School. During these times she experienced many happy events and bad events. She is a new immigrate in United States. She very likes SFIHS, because she in here cans learn difference language and meeting friends. She is a nice girl also like talkative. In here school meet many Chinese friends. She doesn’t want everybody leave SFIHS. She best friend is Jennifer because she and Jennifer have a common idea. They are talk together, work together and play together. But one happen makes her sad, because Jennifer needs to move to Boston at the end this semester. She also changes her family members, in China she live with her grandparents, however, in United States she live with her parents. She thinks China and United States is very different, different knowledge different language and different environment. In United States she also happen many interring event. She goes to a birthday patty of Hailey. She also was kidding me. Make me feel very angry but also have bad event make she very sadly because her friend was die in China. I think in this world people don’t need to think about bad think. We only need to enjoy this moment!

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