Thursday, April 28, 2011

When Ling's Immgrated Story

By Johnny Ling

             My mom’s name is Wen Ling she is from China. She was 49 years old when she immigrated form Bei Jing China to San Francisco. She felt a little lonely and worried to leave her family for another country and she worried about her son. The first thing she did was to visit around the U.S and to know about the America’s culture she saw los Angeles, New York and Los Vegas. She felt in love with America. She thinks that in here is more freedom than china also for my future she immigrated to America. Her first job in America was for an Investment Company. She was a manager and this job just like what she did, because it was similar to her work in china. She worked in this company for 5 years. Every one liked her, she meet a lot of friends and her English began to get much better than before. However the reason why she quit this job was because the boss fraud with his customers and made lot of dirty money. My mom argued with the boss a lot and their relationship became bad. Finally she quit this job and many other staff members quit too. Soon this company collapsed.

                         One day, one of my moms’ friends introduced her to cleaning companies. She said this job is job is much easier than the job you had before. Also if your son comes here you will have more time to take care of him and not work all the time. she thought it was a good idea so she went to the job interview of boss of this cleaning company. He was a very nice guy he knew that my mom could do the job didn’t cleaning the office. It was an easy job and more wages. She very liked this job a lot because she didn’t need to work all of the time.

             Four years passed, I came to the U.S to study here. Mom care very much about me and helped me with homework and taught me to be a good person. I feel lucky that she is my mom. After one year she lost her job because this company had some problems needed to layoff some workers. My mom was one of them but now finding another part time job is not as easy as before. She needed to do two jobs for fewer wage and work more time. She even didn’t have enough money to pay the rent because she bought a lot for me and made sure I ate healthy. Our life became much harder. Tow years passed the government’s housing her applied for was successful. So we moved back to S.F. Now our life is getting better than before because the government’s house is very cheap. She had a lot of time to enjoy her life, I am working now to help support her and to get my own money to pay the rent. Her wish is to go back to living with her family in China because she misses home very badly.