Thursday, April 28, 2011

Communication Legend of Michael

  By: Chongwei Huang
            Mr. Michael is a popular teacher in our school with good communication. In class, Mr. Michael will use the over head projector to help students understand art concepts even thought they don't understand the English, but they can understand and learn in the picture. In his daily life, Mr. Michael also has very good communication skills when he communicates with a person who doesn’t speak English; he is able to communicate with hand gestures and facial movements. For example, if he shakes your hand, the communication means “nice to meet you”.
Mr. Michael thinks communication is not just talk talking because sometimes he communicates without talking. For example, his pets, he know about his dogs feelings through his actions ;the other example is Art, Artists communicate ideas, emotions, feelings and expression through their Art. So that, Mr. Michael defines communication as basically any form of action or image that expresses meaning. When he is driving the sign in the road and traffic light will get him directions, which also is communication.
In his opinion, communication is important as a teacher because it is his job to understand his students and give them an opportunity to express themselves. For example in art class, Mr. Michael is showing students the concepts of perspective about art to help students create depth and space in their artwork.
Communication is necessary to cheer people up; Mr. Michael always does this in three ways. First is listening, students want to talk about their feelings and good listeners will help them figure out the solution, it will help them feel better. Second, give students a space to work it off until their head is clear. Students might need time to just think alone. Lastly is hug or humor, Mr. Michael thinks some students might need a hug, a pat on the back or hand shakes. Others might like to hear something funny or humorous to cheer them up.
            Mr. Michael is most successful when he communicates with a person the ideas, thoughts and feelings that he is knowledgeable about. However, no people can be perfect. For Mr. Michael, it is hard to communicate with a person who makes him nervous. Especially, people in authority like police, bosses or even principals. Sometimes he finds it more difficult to communicate meaning with hand gestures or facial expressions.
            Based on Mr. Michael’s experience, the best way he communicates is through body language and facial expression. He always smiles and makes eye contact when people are talking, so that he will easier understand your subject and be confident. This way means be respectful with others, Mr. Michael wants to teach us about that. And he loves to communicate ideas that he is passionate about.
            Mr. Michael is a teacher who very interesting in learning and improving. He thinks practice is very important to improve communication but it is hard. Also, Mr. Michael is going to challenge himself because he is worried about speaking at two large conferences. Finally, I hope Mr. Michael can do well in this conference and I thank him a lot for sharing his story.


  1. Mr.Michael is a good teach although I did not have his class this semester. But I know he is very nice and funny.

    By Irene.S

  2. Mr.Michael is the awesome teacher,now I'm taking art class, it is pretty funny!!! Mr.Michael always made fun with us. During the art class,Mr.Michael can make students felt confident in their works,encourage them. Thank you Mr.Michael.

    Carrianne Mei

  3. Yeah ~ he is the great teacher and i'm glad that i had that class ^^ I mean, even though i don't like art very much, but somehow, during his class, i felt relaxing a lot. Thank you Mr, i always love you ^^
    (by Tien)

  4. Hey ChongWei,
    Awesome article!!!!! You did a great job organizing all my thoughts and ideas. I think the questions you created, helped focus your article. I cannot wait to read what you write during portfolios.
    mr. michael
