Thursday, April 28, 2011

Immigration Of A Young Man

By Tamara Echeverria

Menfi is from Guatemala. He is17 years old. He has been in United States nine months. He loves to eat Guatemalan food. He likes to come to school everyday. He likes to live in United States but he wants to go back to his country.
             The first day that he left his country he felt sad because he separated from his grandmother and also he felt happy because he was going to see his mother. He and his mom felt excited because they will be together.
             He immigrated to United States because he wanted stay with his family and also he wanted learn English. He likes the adventure of immigration because he enjoys the travel. He came here in bus he didn’t walk in the desert. His families were happy because he is here in a beautiful city of San Francisco. His family in his country felt sad because he was gone.
             The day that he left his country he felt good because he will have more opportunities an also he will learn English.

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