Thursday, April 28, 2011

An Immigration Story (A Dream to Triumph)

By Karen Franco

This story is about Nelson is a young man who have 23 years old.
It happens in El Salvador  Nelson was live in his country for all his life however, he felt very sad because in his country  there were not enough work so he cannot help his family.

One day Nelson decide to left his country to immigrated to the United States; so he can help his family but specially his daughter.
Nelson felt sad because he had to leave his country and family however; he had to cross two countries that was Guatemala and Mexico that he could arrive to the United States.

Nelson’s plan, Nelson decided that when he could cross the border to the United States he can get a job.
First Nelson He had to live together with other peoples that also were in the same way that he was.

Next, Nelson took 22 days to arrived, so in the day of moth Nelson had to wait for the train transport him to his destiny.

After that, Nelson had many struggle in the way he and other peoples had to hide and walk because there were a lot of road blocks.

In the end Nelson could cross the border to reach to the United States: Nelson’s first day he felt confused because he didn’t understand the language.

Now Nelson he feel happy because he can help his daughter and give her  a good  education as send her money  to buy all her materials that she need to buy at school.

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