Wednesday, April 27, 2011

New language


                 Βy: Jessica Huang
                Ms. Vlada Teper is a beautiful woman. She has blue eyes, gold hair and white skin. She is very tall. She likes to eat America food. She is Moldovan; she immigrated to America when she was 10 years old.
                Her family is Jewish. In 1989, they were afraid that it was dangerous for them to stay in Moldova, so they decided to move to America. She feels afraid and excited because she afraid that she can’t community well in America and she was excited that she can move to a new space to start her new life.
                She came to America when she was 10 years old. The hardest part for her to learn English was how to remember how to say different words in a different way. The pronunciation was difficult. Right now, English is easier for her to say, but especially, when she is talking to students, she would like to speak Russian but Russian is little more difficult for her right now.
          She learned English by talking with English people, listen as much as English as she could and also she learned English in school. She feels very nervous and scared when on the first day in school. She was scared that nobody wanted to make friends with her because they all spoke English and she thought her English was so bad. She overcomes this struggle by talking with the classmates.
           Vlada is a very good English speaker now. She is being a leadership teacher in high school.


  1. i very like this story, brcause this is same for me. i am immigrated to America too. the language is very hard to learn. but Ms.Vlada can do ,i think i can do that too.--Cheryl,Z

  2. Jessica, what a great story! I didn't see this before. Thank you for writing about me and sharing my life story. I am so happy I have been your teacher for two years now. You have so much to be proud of; you are learning English so quickly! Continue to work hard! -Ms. Vlada
