Thursday, April 28, 2011


  By; Esmer Cetin

I will interview Rogelio B. He is a Salvadorian. He immigrated to the United States almost two years ago. He chose to immigrate to the United States because he wanted to have good life and also he wanted to be with his mother because she was very sick and he wanted to support her, Rogelio didn’t want his mother to live by herself. He likes the United States because it has different Nationality. The places that mostly he liked are Twin peaks and six Flags in San Francisco. He just has communication with his mother. Likely he wanted to come United States to have a better chance to work, help his mother and have pride in his self.
     When I had an interview with RogelioB I was so excited to learn about how he crossed the border. After my questions Rogelio started to tell his border story. First of all, like everyone, He went to say good bye to his friends and family members. After having some sadness, one car came and picks he’s up. Then he starts travel. First he went to El Salvador to Guatemala. It was like a fieldtrip for me. I spend 7 days in Guatemala. Then I went to Belize. After that he went the border of Mexico. Then he crosses the border from Belize to Mexico by river with boat. He spends five days in Mexico. He thinks it was really cool to be there. When he was in the border of Mexico to Texas it was his third time of crossing the river. He had to walk two days and one night in dessert. He crossed the river by walking one time and two times with boat. After that other immigrants come with the car and they took them to Texas/ Huston. Finally after one night immigrants started travel to San Francisco. It took three days to come over here. He says; it was really difficult for some people to travel over hear. When he was crossing the border he felt little nervous and scared. Because in First River he cross by walking and in some point he felt like the water was going to take him and sweep him out all the way down. In the other two rivers he crossed it in a boat so the boat had many people on it. He felt he was going to drown. He says; it feels really uncomfortable because in the travel anything can happen. You never know and that’s the point that you feel uncomfortable. Actually it was more difficult to cross the border for other people. He’s travel was okay. It was like a fieldtrip for him. He watched everywhere that they passed. He put the places in his memories.

     In normally when people immigrate to United States they want a learn how to speak English and they want to go to schools but when he immigrate to us, he only was thinking about to get a job. Actually he never thought about going to school but the place where he lived and his mother sing him in San Francisco International High School. That’s how he started going school and learning English. When he starts going school he was surprised because it wasn’t the thing that he planed. He prefers to stay in school because he didn’t want to make his mother feel bad also he see the people that they want to proud of him. I didn’t want to make his supporters trust fall. Also his learning new things in school like how he said; ‘I like to have new experiences’.

     Right now he will like to stay in United States to learn more English and make some money. But he knows one day he will be back to El Salvador. He don’t want to die in the city that he didn’t born…

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