Thursday, April 28, 2011

I Love You, Goodbye

By Rose Marie Bonifacio

Q: What is your name?
A: My name is Ilyn.
Q: What the name your love?
A: His name is Cristopher.
Q: Wher his from?
A: His from Mexico.
Q: How did you meet him?
A: I knew him when we introduced ourselves during advisory. we were in the same advisory before. we were sat in the same table and we were having fun and we got to know to each other for the first day of school. Before that we had a chance to know each other better with other students. Actually, we kind a don't understand with each other because it was our first day of school. You know weren't speak English that much. So, we were like we don't have mouth to Talked. Also, we were Embarassed to Talked. I don't know what to say.  I meet him when I was 14 years old and I was a freshmen high school. When I saw him stepping inside to our class there was something special I could feel it in my soul, my heart skipped a few beats, my breathing became harder, and he was became in my every thought. And i thought I was completely in love with him. I mean head over heels in love with him.
Then, when the class starting we introduced ourselves to each other. 
Q: What are you see him and that you are in love with him?
A: Oh well, I don’t have any excuse to fall in love with him. He is Hella cute for me, he is funny, really like his check Or I don’t have any reason.
Q: How old this boy?
A: His 15 years old.
Q: Where he is right now?
A: Actually i really don't know that where he is right now, but people at school told me that he is in Mexico and other people said he is in Los Angeles. It makes me confuse and thinking where really he is? I don't have any idea about that. he don't even told me where he going so, now I just let him go wherever he want to go because it his decision. can't do anything about it. Also, it's non of my business but i care about him Very much.

Q: Did you know that you like him
A: When we getting to kn0w better to each other he was so sweet to me. We were always sitting down at the same table during advisory. And i was starting loving him at the first time. When i always with him. Oh well. I knew he would never like me. Well he did as a friend. I would always ask him out, s0 we both would spend our time with each other and in l0ve with each other but it couldn’t happen because he was always busy with his other Friends.This was n0t the case. When he found out that I liked him, he rejected me but he c0mpletely ign0red me as well. He started telling people how much he hated me and I really felt I wanted to die.
Q: What are you doing when he left?
A: When he left I didn’t do anything. I can’t stop him to don’t leave because its his choice and its his life. So, I was just crying all night and thinking about him. I prayed that I hope he would be always be okay wherever he go. It was difficult though because I lost him and he is important to me too.
Q: Did you dream about him?
A: Yes, he always in my dreams and on my imagination.
Q: Do you remember your special or unforgettable day with Cristopher?
A: Yes, I remembered on halloween party it was my special and unforgettable day with him. On that day he asked me to dance with him. So I said yeah sure I love too. were dancing a sweet love song together. He was my first dance ever. So yeah that was my special day with him and I still remember him so much.
Q: Do you miss him?
A: Yes. I really misses him so much.
Q: Did you chat with him in facebook if he is online?
A: No, how could we chat to each other he hated me so much. He would never talk to me again because he hate me
Q: Why did you miss him so much?

A: I Misses him so much because I miss the day when we were together and having fun together. I miss his smile, his big cheek and everything about him. all the wonderful memories that we had before I want those days back if I could.
Q: Do you know when is this Birthday?
A: Yes, his birthday is on September 13,1995.
Q: Do you hangout with him at school for long time?
A: Sometimes, I stayed with him for like 1 or 2 hours if we are at tutoring. My excuse is staying at tutoring class so I could see or having fun with him.
Q: Did you tell to your friends that you like Cristopher or you just keep it to yourself?
A: Actually, for the first step i didn't tell to nobody that i like him, but after all I can't help it Everytime when i see him im blushing my face is going to red and my friends asked me what happened and i told them nothing. then when i looked up to Cristopher they notice that i was looking at him. the next day they are bothering me and asked me if i like him. so, all my friends called me Cristopher. eventually, it was just a secret but i was showing up that i like him and i always asked them that where is Cristopher? it wasn't a secret anymore. my secret was Explude already to the whole school.
Q: Did you forget him already or you still thinking about him until now? Why?
A: No, because like what i told before he always in my dreams and i always thinking about him. i guess I'm not ready to move-on or i can't move-on over him. You know already that I love him. That’s why?
Q: Do you want to see him again or no? Why?
A: I really want to see him because i want to apologize to him for something.
Q: Thank you Ilyn so much to you story?
A: Your welcome and thank you so much to your interview.


  1. wow Ilyn your story is too sad but in the same time is really good so wow frind congratulation Karen Franco

  2. wow...... i like your story is so good and i'm cry because your story is sad :P
