Wednesday, April 27, 2011

This Is Adeline Aguilar Immigration Story

This is Adeline Aguilar
This is made by: Maria hueso

Maria: How did you feel the day you left your country?
Adeline:  Sad
Maria how did you feel during you immigration

Adeline              sale because me family
How did you parents feel when you immigration 

Adeline sad because I let 
Why did you immigrate dandelion       because the contrary not money

Did you like the aperture of immigration why I didn’t like   because it was difficult?

How did you come here?
Adeline I wacked in the desert for 4 days and 4nijhts

Did you walk in the desert?   
Adeline yes

Tell me more
Was scare of snakes?

What were thinking on the airplanes?
I didn’t come in alp lanes

How did you family feel when you come hirer
They were sad because they were coning to the United States and she didn’t want to come.  Adeline is 17 years and Adeline is from the country of Guatemala and she came with her uncle she travel from Guatemala and the united states Adeline is happy to be in the united states because she wants to have a better life in the united states  and Adeline was 16 years when she came to the united states and Adeline does want to go back to Guatemala and she is so happy and she live with her aunt and her aunt take care of her.

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