Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cultural Revolution

By: ZiLi Wu

It was a Saturday night; I called my grandmother Baoyong Yang on the telephone. I interview for my grandmother, we talk a long time about Cultural Revolution. It is a very important period in Chinese history. She is 63 years old now, she likes cooking and listening to music. She experienced the Cultural Revolution when she was young. She said "it was a very important period in my life."
*The Cultural Revolution form 1966 to 1976.It was initiated and led by Mao Zedong’s political movement. It established the China but is now of the darkest period in its history. “Everybody will not forget this history when they experience Cultural Revolution.” It was a long time ago. *I forget the accurate time. It was 45 years ago. Maybe started in the second half of 1966, New paragraph and end in the second half of 1976.*the important people in that time are Mao Zedong because he started the Cultural Revolution. Then the favorite leader’s Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping.*the most important thing happened in Cultural Revolution was Liu Shaoqi died. After the Cultural Revolution, the government held a grand party to mourn him. Deng Xiaoping was very good leader. He changes the Chinese society. He took china into the world.*Lastly, when the people think of Cultural Revolution that they will think of "Gang of Four", “Gang of Four” was the counterrevolutionary groups. If the did not have "Gang of Four" that will did not have Cultural Revolution in china. “Everyone didn't like Cultural Revolution.” it is bad for Chinese development. So Cultural Revolution was end of people's support.
Baoyong says, “I remember there were many trees before Cultural Revolution. They had very good fruit trees! It will have many sweet and big fruit. It was very happy time! But at the Cultural Revolution, everyone couldn't have own property, so we had to cut the trees. They only cut the tree in the courtyard.” My family cut The Carrabolla trees, litchi trees, orange trees and apple trees. She continues was sad of cut the trees.*the government thought that if the people had the fruit trees when they have the fruit that they could sell it. That was the capitalist’s behavior. It was bad part of communism. So they were forced to cut them. My grandfather says, “It was so unfortunately! It was unfortunately!”
*During the special populations in which most of the composition by the young students. This organization called "Red Guards." The "Red guards" helped the government work. You can see "Red guards" anywhere at that time. She said when someone resisted the government and did something to prevent the government. They will go to arrest people and imprison them. They will lose freedom a long time! So when the people know the "Red guards" will go to arrest him. They will flee to far away places. And the people will take him to interrogate.
Although this is a sad thing, it was unfortunately. Now I very happy!

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