Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wars and cultures in Moldova

By :Cindy Rong

           Vlada is from Moldova . She has wary hair. She is talk and thin. She has write skin and two brown eyes. She likes peace and every Friday will have a peace club. She is a good teacher and can talk many  different languages. In 1989, Vlada was 10years old; she immigrated to the U.S because her parents thought allow their family to have a good future. Her family is jewish. Their country didn’t let the children learn about jewish culture. For example,Ms.Vlada couldn’t speak Yiddish, the langusge of the Jews. She just spoke Russian.Moldova is not a big country. Her parents and her sister live with her. She wants to thanks for her sister. When she was young, her sister helped her and took of her. She had a loving family. It parents taught how to speak in russia, how to walk, how to write, and allomed her to go to school. They love valda and vlada love them too. In her country there is not lot of people. The people are very nice,and kind to the people from different countries. when the people came to the moldova, the people will dance, have fun with them. They sing together. They  will explain what the delicious food and have fun with them. the favorite thing to do in moldova and the games. In childhood, many fun thind to play, but she just like one thing-ruzinochka. There have 3or more people play together. They use the two lines to dance. it is carzy, but it is very hot games. They use string.
             Her parents met in art class in collage. Her father loves her mother. He wants to help her and wnats her heart because the project, they married together and had a baby girl,which is Ms.Vlada. Her parents had avery different and sweet story. Vlada is a special name and it means who she is. She likes her name because the meaning of her name is very different and important. it isunique name. It means love differnet cultures and it means who she is.Ms.Vlada misses her country a lot. She misses the house. The trees look the same of the trees of San Francisco. The trees amlles different and ms.vlada felt that difference between Moldova and San Francisco. She likes the food in Moldova. Wine is jews famous in Moldova. Malmalyga and cornbread. Cornbread is very good and it must be cooked to eat them. It tastessavory small. The wild stawberries are red and smaller than  the normal stawberries and we eat. They have a strong smell and sweet. So yummy.
    The houses are look like a hill. There are many small buildings. The houses are short. There are colors. There had alot plants in Moldova. The flowers are colorful. Moldova's weather has
four seasons. Spring, summer, fall and winter. One season have different flowers. The flowers still grow when these are died the other still grow. Have much kind of strawberries. For example:surrants, wild strawberries and so on.
The have been many wars in Moldova. Her grandfather knows what happen during World War Two. When Russia controled Moldova. So they were forced to speak Russian. Jewish and Russian cultures.  They don't want to fight to others. During World War One and Woeld War Two. The soliders send him to China to fight. Ms.Vlada felt sad because have many died people. They lost houses, countries, families and anything. In school, there have soliders will came and talk what happed in the war. The war was not have a long time. Soliders in school to talk. The students gave the flowers to the soliders and listen. Then say "thank you" to them. Ms.Vlada doesn't want to firght o others because she wants peace. People need to understand each other and love each other.

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