Wednesday, April 27, 2011


By: Lucy Zhu

            For my English Class’s project, I decided to interview my mom, Huihua Zhu. The topic of the interview is two cultures.
            My mom immigrated to the United States in July, 1995. That was just 5 months before I was born. She was really nervous when she came to the United States at that time. America was a new environment, a brand new life for her. Of course, English was the biggest challenge.
American culture and Chinese culture are totally different. America is a multicultural country. Chinese culture is more like the opposite. It is more about parenthood and leading children to be accomplished people. However, in her mind, American culture is better for her kids’ life and education. Maybe most Chinese parents will think Chinese culture is more useful. But what I thought is we can learn about different cultures in the community. And that also affects us to learn more languages. Being in contact with different kinds of people will help us gain knowledge and also get experience. In her opinion, being strict is good for kids. Her parents taught her in this way, but it’s more like a traditional Chinese culture. In this way, children can form discipline since they were young.
There were lots of times my mom needed to go to somewhere. She was new to San Francisco, and she had no idea how to get directions. Without her relatives, she couldn’t deal with this problem. Because of her job, my mom didn’t have time to take English classes. All she could do was practice English by herself. At night, she would watch TV, and try her best to repeat. The library was near home at that time, so borrowing books was another way to practice English.
Life was difficult for her. So just like all Chinese parents, she hopes her children will be literate and talented people who can honor their teachers, parents and elders when they step into the community.


  1. I think your mother is very hard. you need to love your mother.haha><
    -------Jing wen

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. lucy u should love ur mom not been mean with her. ------by:kelvin
