Wednesday, April 27, 2011


BY: James Luo.
My grandfather has many childhood memories of gowning up in China. He is 83 years old now and he was born in 1928 in China.
The story is happen when the Japanese Regan fighting with the Chinese. My grandfather was about 10 years old. One day, the Japanese come to their village. He saw the Japanese solider from 2 or 3 miles away. Then, he ran, ran and ran. The Japanese solider tried to catch everyone from their village. Next, he remembered that he jumped into a river and hid in the middle of the water plants. He just got his head over the water. He felt so scared during this time. . He remembered there were lot of Chinese that were caught and many people ran away too. The people ran to the next village. There was a traitor on the next village. He had a lot of money and power. He paid for the Japanese, and told them to not go to his village. The Japanese scared him. So the people who weren’t caught were ran to that village and were safe there. Many of the Chinese ran away and many people died because there was not any more food to eat. The people were very poor. They always slept in front of the other people’s house; they just sleep or what ever they could find.
There the Chinese work for the Japanese. My grandfather helped the Chinese and Japanese translation. He didn’t get any pay, but his life was safe and he had enough food to eat. The Japanese stayed in their village about one week. After the Japanese left, the people that they caught came back. My grandfather lived through this time; he was very happy. Then the people were live gone back to normal. My grandfather still went to school. He went to school from 7 years old to 11years old. In the school, the teachers taught them how to write Chinese, but not very many children wanted to learn at that time. They just wanted to play and to earn more money to help their families. My grandfather’s family was an agricultural family; they had 4 ponds, 2 sugary care fields, and a few farms. This family was just middle class at that time. The land owners got their own weapons; they have thousand of acres of farm land. They were so rich. The landowners would borrow some land for the other people, but the people should pay some money for the landowner. Some landowners were nice, they away share food with the other people, but some landowners were so selfish. They just try to get as much as money from the other people. So the Culture Revolutions began. During the Culture Revolution, there were some communists that went to my grand father’s village. They told them that everyone should be equal; the landowners should share their things with them. Then they lead the people to catch the landowners, collect their things and shared with them.

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