Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Beauty of Randomness. Carson Zhang's Life Story.

By Ho Ting Lam(Michael):

His name is Zhang Hai Min. 17years old. He comes to the United States since her mother was here, and he comes and meet her mother is his purpose. After he comes to the United States, he does not want to back to China anymore cause his life has been enriched. He loves his life in the United States because the air, the environment is very good and he has a lot of benefits right here. He neutrally love his life in China since the air pollution is very bad and the weather always makes him feel itchy. He agrees with no reason that studying in the United States is a good thing and it is epic in his life. He wants to enter college but he does not know which College is good or bad, so he just want to do as good as he can right now.

When he was young, he had been bully. He wanted to revenge since he did not feel good. But he gave up to revenge after his friends told him the react of revenge could not solve the problem.

He is in love with Xiang Ling Zhuo who is from China and she immigrated to the United States for almost 6years. He wants to married her but he would not married her right now cause it is too young for those of them. He would not love another girl right now and he thinks that only her girl friend is the most beautiful girl in the world. so romantic...........

He wants to go to Galileo High School cause there is a lot of friends and her girl friend are studying there.

He would like to resident here cause he likes here. As her mother likes here more than China.

He feels like his life has been enriched. And he feels like here is his home.

But the feeling is not reliable because he feels they would leave later or sooner.

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