Thursday, April 28, 2011

Vianey's Immigration Story

by Alex Ortega

Vianey she is from honduras, she is 16 years old.

she has being for one year she come to united states because she wants to meet with her mother, and also with her sisters.

the life for her in United States is easy and also difficult because she has her sisters that support and help her but it is difficult for her. Because that language is different.

The first day that she comes to the United States she was happy because she will meet wuith her mother but also she felt scared because she did not know anyone in the United States.
She miss her country because she has a lot of friends and also the rest of her family. she thinks that her country is the most best in the world even though have many delincuents.
She wants of go back to her country but first she wants to study a lot now.
she feels better that befor because now she can understand the language.