Thursday, April 28, 2011

Brenda's Immigration Story

By Fatima Ventura

Brenda Yaneth Guzman was born in San Juan Opico la libertad El Salvador on March 14 in 1994. Brenda came alone to the USA in November 26, 2009. She lived with her grandmother and her sister. For Brenda it was difficult to leave her family and her friends and her country, but her mom  wanted Brenda to came here for a better future  however when she came to USA she had many problems with immigration. Immigration officials captured her in Texas. When Brenda came here she lived with people Un-know for her. It was very hard because she didn’t who these people were that she was. The, 2 days after Brenda had come to this place, it caught fire. She felt very sad and angry that said that all the efforts of her family were for nothing. Her family did not know anything about what happened. Immigration call her family in El Salvador and her uncle told Brenda’s mother that she was in a shelter. She passed many difficult moments but after all these hard moments now she lives with her mom. But right now she can have a paper because she has 17 years old and the poster family they can help.


  1. Hey Fatima,
    Thanks for sharing Brenda's story.
    mr. michael

  2. brenda u knOw that i love you!!!you always have my help and are an amazing person and also you are very strong y se que podras salir de todo esto hermanita....tkdmz

  3. Thanks for comment this story!!!!
    I know Fatima works so hard she did a good job!!
