Thursday, April 28, 2011

what is like to live without parents

By: Ilyn Melgar
       "I guess I never considered myself that I don’t have any parents no more. I was a little kid when I lost my both parents and I always considered that term to refer specially to the children who does not have parents. I think this is a good time to tell my story with others. However, this is difficult to talk about but I do my best."
    She risked her life to live without her parents. She is a teenager who studies at SFIHS and she is  only 17 years old. She have long black hair. Her first language is Spanish. She never saw her dad since he left her mom and she was a baby. This is all happened at San Francisco and El Salvador. When she was young she didn’t saw her mom everyday because she is always busy to her work. Live without parents is the ugliest thing in the world. At 10 years old she lived with her granny because her mom died on that my age. Her mom was very kind, hard worker, friendly and loving. She replace her with her granny who she'd always seen as her mom. However, her granny passed away a few months ago after her mom died and that was so sad. She is  now a teenager but it all seems happen yesterday.    
    After all that happened, her auntie took care of her. For the most part, from the time when her granny still alive. But, now she have to live with her aunte even their not really close. Nobody could take care of her except aunte. She have a brother who lives here. He is 23 years old but their  are not so close too. She love to live with him but he has lots of problems and he scared that she get involve. Also, if she live with him her auntie would get mad because they can’t get along.
    Everything has been change her life. For the first time her life is worst because she can’t believe that she don’t have her own family for this age and to be with her in life. But, now she made a new friends and trying to live without her parents. Her friends and her advisor changed her into a happy person. Everyday her best friend always comforts her when she is not feeling good, and they made her  laugh. Especially Ms. Kirk helps her if she have problems. She makes her comfortable and gives her an advice. For example; "don’t worry because you have a lot of friends and family who does love you and care about you."
    However, she always think her mom and her granny. She also have many questions to herself. She miss both of them. She miss the time they spent together. Why did you have to die on my younger age?  Why did you leave me? Why couldn’t you just hold onto life? Why do I have to be alone? She kept and thinking that questions that she have been keeping inside her heart. Although her life still goes on. But, sometimes it is difficult because she can’t have what she want.  She is jealous to the other children because she want to have family like other people have. She also want to have a better family because she want feel the things that she can’t have right now.
    For the children who have a complete family please love them. Don’t leave them because it is so difficult that you live without them and it is the worst thing in the world.

1 comment:

  1. You know, life is never easy, so don't give up too soon ok? try your best and always remember this: you still have friends and family who care about you ^^ Smile, you're not alone ^^
    (by Tien)
