Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ilyn's Immigration

By Regielyn Bonifacio

 Regielyn: how are you?

Ilyn: fine

Regielyn: how old are you?

Ilyn: I’m 15 years old

Regielyn: where are you from?

Ilyn: Philippines

Regielyn: how many brother you have?

Ilyn: I have 7 brothers and 4 sisters

Regielyn: how long have been in this country?

Ilyn: I been her for 2 years

Regielyn: what is similar between your countries?

Ilyn: Philippines and San Francisco has many place to visit

Regielyn: how did you feel during your immigration?

Ilyn: bad because I felt my friends and my family

Regielyn: why did you immigrate?

Ilyn: because my parents want me to be with them and to have better life

Regielyn: Did you like your adventure of immigration? Why?

Ilyn: No because immigration to another country it doe’s not mean that you would feel hyper, it could be your worst day in your life because I felt the people who are most important to me.

Regielyn: what were thinking on the airplane?

Ilyn: I felt nervous because I was my fist time to left my country and I’m afraid went the airplane would might be crush.

Regielyn: how did your family feel when you come here?

Ilyn: My families were happy to have me here in the united state because I would have a good life and find a good job.

Regielyn: how does your family in your home country feel now you are gone?

Ilyn: my sister was crying she felt sad because I would be and different place and I could not be with her for many years.

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