Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Different Ms. Sonia

By Irene.S

                 In different stages of life, we will have many different roles and responsibilities. As a student, we have to do our homework and study hard. At home, we have to be filial to our parents. I would like to tell a very special story of how a person who is a principal in SFIHS feels to become a mom. At school, she might be serious in front of students, and they are afraid of her, but when she gets home, she is no longer a principal because she is someone's wife and someone's mother and we would never see it.
                Three years ago, Ms. Sonia was working in New York City, where there are many different international high schools, and therefore she was working for a year over there. And she had never thought of it is going to have a new life waiting for her husband and her lives.  When she found out she was pregnant, it made her felt kid of nervous, but it was an amazing thing for her because she could feel that a baby was growing inside of her body and it moved and it was a real person. For her, to be a mother is to be responsible for a child and she would think about everything that she eats to feed the baby and how everything she does would affect the way the baby feels too. That is a kid of big responsibility.
                After ten months Tora was born, and SFIHS also started at the same time. It was a big change for Ms. Sonia because there were many connections for her. At the first year, she could not sleep as well as before because she worried about her daughter. For her, the hardest times and the hardest things are when she has to work for many hours and does not get to see Tora. Sometimes, she might see Tora for ten minutes a day. The changes are not just that a family has a new baby; it is a big responsibility to take care of her, to teach her, and to love her.
                As a principal, Ms. Sonia is very busy every day, however she willingly spends time with her family to do things that they like to do outside like bike ride, hike, or go camping. Sometimes, they like to go to the park and library. At home, they are very different because they are very silly, crazy and have fun together. The favorite thing that she likes the most is listening to Tora laugh. These are the ways they like to get along; it is very simple but very happy. Difficult and depressing things might face her, but her family and her dearest daughter always support her and are with her.
                When I asked Ms. Sonia what she expects of her daughter in the future, she said, I wonder what she would be or who she wants to be and I think I just hope pray that she will be the person she wants to be. After that I asked many questions about the future of her daughter, the answers were that she would worry about everything. And I realized being a mother is not that easy, because as Ms. Sonia said, Something would happen, whatever you know would happen that wouldn’t be true. At that time, I could feel how she worried about what Toras future would be. Therefore, the most important way to teach Tora is by showing her the right way to do things. Tora is still a kid and very little, she just learned how to talk and it makes her feels frustrated very quickly because sometimes she cannot say what she wants and she cannot communicate. The other important way to teach Tora is to read books with her everyday. Now, Tora is trying to write her letters and she will make what the word sounds like.
                For me, being a mother is not easy. As your child grows, you will have more worries about their lives, health, and the future. When your child is angry or sad, you will have the same emotion as your child. When a child has needs, mothers will give the child everything they possibly can. We do not understand if we do not have children because only the personal experience will allow us to realize and understand why our parents always nag us everyday.


  1. I never know Ms.Sonia from another perspective until reading your post. It is really nice to learn about Ms.Sonia's life as a mom. Thanks for writing this!
    -Christal Wu

  2. I realized Ms.Sonia being a mother is difficult. She needed to take care her daughter and work in SFIHS as a principal. Also as a mother, she worried her daughter's healthy, emothins, lives and future. Ms.Sonia,you are a pretty great mother and principal.
    ---Carrianne Mei

  3. Edith
    Irene I really appreciate how you show us a different m.s Sonia becasue we used to judge her without to know for what she is going through when we see her at school she look so strong and we used to say she is mean. However is an amazing mother and person as well.

  4. I never know Ms.Sonia have different ways in her life. In school I always saw her very busy working, I didn't know she was a good mother. She would like to use more to take care her family, with them to do anything. Ms.Sonia, you are a good mother and principal.
    --Jennifer Ma

  5. Sometimes Ms. Sonia is strict, but as a principal,she has to be like that. And being a mother is not as easy as we thought. I learned a lot about Ms. Sonia and she is really an amazing person.

  6. this is a good story and also i do think that being a mother is hard when you need to work but also is important to work and thats good that she wants a good future for her daughter......

  7. this is a good story let me konw to be the mother was very hard and very great..sometime ms.Sonia is strict,but , i know she is a great mother..

  8. By:Chongwei Huang
    Wow,that is great story. You told me lots of real things about our principal, Ms.Sonia. Thanks you show me the real life of Ms.Sonia who we very know but nothing we understanding. I have to think about it. Thanks again.

  9. Shocks! I've been with Ms. Sonia for 2 years, but I've never known that she is really great mom. I already known that she is sooooo great principal.
    Tora is so lucky daughter 'cause she have a mother like Ms. Sonia. All mothers they want to do everything for their children like you Ms. Sonia. This is so great story Irene thank you for posting this one. And, now we know who is Ms. sonia as a mom and a great principal.
