Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Separation From a Best Friend

By: Carrianne Mei
      The story happened last year summer, my friend separated with his best friend, his name is Adrian. He likes call his best friend “S” as this is the letter that stands for her name.
     Adrian knew his friend when he was in Middle School. They were in the same classroom, and sat near each other. In the beginning of the first semester, they didn’t talk too much. Maybe they were different gender, a little bit shy. But later, they understood each other more than before. They talked a lot, and had fun; they not only became good friends and classmates, but also acted like brother and sister. They were not related, but Adrian treated her like his real sister.
      One day, she told him she will move to another country soon, and she will start her new life there. She couldn’t stay here for a long time, maybe not much anymore time, and she had to move with her family. When Adrian heard this message, he felt really upset and disappointed; He could not imagine she would leave him so soon. He said, “God, are you kidding me?”
      He had many happy and interesting memories with his best friend. They reviewed the information before the exam was coming, Adrian taught her math, then she taught him English. They were good at different subjects. They acted like the teacher when they taught each other. Who was the teacher needed to stand, while the student needed to sit down. They just took turn, which was pretty fun. Also sometimes during the class, Adrian was sleeping. When the teacher was coming, she would call him to wake up. When the teacher went away, he just continued sleeping.
       Something Adrian never forgot they had a chance  to watch a movie; He dated her, that's his first time to date a girl. He felt shy that he didn't talk too much with her, they all felt embarrassed. He really regreted about that. Before she went home, he gave her the letter; He wrote he couldn't treat her like his sister, because now he realized he love her, not only sister. Finally, he told that with his courage. One more thing was the girl had a party before she left, she invited her friends to come. The first time she asked Adrian, "Will you come that day?" He said no. He knew she felt disappointed about his answer. After a few days, she asked him again, but this time, he said yes. He didn't know why he changed his choice; maybe he just want to be with her on the last day. During the party, Adrian took some pictures with her and sang songs, which made him a little bit happy. But he was still afraid he would cry in front of her. He couldn't control his emotions, that night, he drank a lot.
        After she left, Adrian didn't feel happy at all, like lost something in his life. He didn't want her to leave; he wanted to stay with her. He cried many times at night, because he really missed her. He dreamed her many times at night; it felt like she was still with him. Also he didn't have the spirit to study; his grades were much lower than before. Before that, they were the study partners, it was always a competition. But know, everything has changed, and he couldn't find the person like her to compete with him. Adrian's family was angry about his grades, so he always argued with them. His family didn't understand him at all, he could't communicate with them. He felt tired, he wished she would come back with him again. Even though she left, but he still kept in touch with her. They talked on the internet, and she shared something interesting in her new lift, new environment. She also talked about how different the education between China and U.S. Actually, Adrian wanted to know her internal feelings, but she always didn't tell him, just kept silent. She seldom told him secrets; Adrian really felt strange about her personality.
          Now Adrian felt alone at school. In school, it was hard to find a really friend to talk with him. His class was the best class in the school; the students in the class all had high grades. Everyone just knew how to study, learned new knowledge, and got the better grades. Sometimes they would ignore other students. So he hated his class; he felt he had a lot of pressure, even though that is the best class that he could have. But she, "S," is different from them.  Before that she had high grades in the class too, Adrian's grade always behind her. However, she not only cares about studying, but also cares for Adrian, and including classmates. She always talks with them; make fun, that's why Adrian likes staying with her. She can make him have fun in study, but now she was gone. He feels lonely and his heart is empty.


  1. It was a very sad that your friend separated with his best friend. They had many happy memories, but the girl left,the boy just feel lonely. It was pretty sad.
