Thursday, April 28, 2011

hong phat sang's interview with uncle johnson

Uncle Johnson: Where do you live?

Sang: I live in San Francisco.

Uncle Johnson: How old are you?

Sang: I am 17 years old.

Uncle Johnson:  Do you like to live in America? Why?

Sang: Yes, because  America is better than Vietnam.

Uncle Johnson: Do you like to go to school?

Sang: Yes because I can learn more in school.

Uncle Johnson:  How many brothers and sisters do you have?

Sang: I have 3 sisters and no brother.

Uncle Johnson: What do you like to do when you are not in school?

Sang: I like do  play games and study.

Uncle Johnson: What do you want do in the future?

Sang: I want to work and make a lot or money.

Uncle Johnson: do you  want to do back to vietnam  or stay  in america?why?

Sang: No I don't want to go back to Vietnam.  I want  stay America because America is better  than Vietnam.

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