Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Simple Love – for you, for kids

By Cherry Yang

My mom and dad met when they were in middle school. They were in the same class and they went to the same high school. They were classmates for six years.
            At that time, they were not in love. They did not play together. Dad studied very well in school and all the teachers in school knew my father. Mom studied badly, but she was very good at sports. She was on the running team and she had the best running record in school.
            After they graduated from high school, mom and dad got jobs at the same hotel. Dad was an officer, and mom was a waitress. One year there were some activities for the hotel staffs, everyone found a partner that they know and they sang and danced together. Mom and dad found each other as a partner and they danced together. Since then, they have been fall in love.
            Mom was supposed to immigrate to the United States. Her mom, my grandmother, really wanted her kids to go to the United States because she thought that the United States was a good country and she wanted her kids to have good futures. Dad was upset, but he did not stop mom; he said that grandmother really wanted my mom to go to the United States. “If a mother wants to give her kids the best thing, I can’t stop her, I do not want to break other’s future.”
            However, my mom was 21 years old when she was ready to go, but that age was too old according to Chinese law. She and some of her siblings had to stay and apply again in order to go to the United States. They had to wait for a few years.
            Although grandmother was very unhappy, mom and dad got married three years after. I was born one year after they married.
            Now, our family has moved to United States. Mom and dad hope I will study hard and learn English in the United States. All parents want their kids to have good futures.