Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Islam's Background

By: Alice San

Islam is a 15 years old boy from Kyrgyzstan, but he is Uzbek. He came to the U.S. 7 months, ago. He speaks five languages; English, Russian, Uzbek, Kyrgyz and a little bit of Turkish. He learned these languages for many reasons. First he is Uzbek so he learned Uzbek. Then he lived in Kyrgyzstan so he had to learn Kyrgyz. In his country, Russian is the offical language so he learned Russian, too. Now he is in U.S, so he is learning English. He has 5 family members, his father, mother, two younger sisters and him.

Islam has a differnet background. He said there is genocide of his race the Uzbeks in his country, especially on the night of June 10, 2010. He was 14 years old. It was Horrible. The soldiers were riding on the tank and they started to shoot from tank to the Uzbek people. He felt scared and angry. The Kyrgyz people caught Uzbek people and they started to fight. The Uzbek people were furious. The next day in forint of their Neighbors there was a Military base. The Uzbek people were walking all the way to the Military base. The soldiers were shooting and people were running away. Islam and his uncle ran to the other side of the neighbors. Suddenly, Islam saw the soldiers were shooting to his uncle so he ran very fast and saved his uncle life. His uncle thanks him because Islam saved his life. He felt angry because in the war many people died, he wanted to fight back but he didn't have gun and weapons. The reason of genocide is the Uzbek are richer than the Kyrgyz, so they hate Uzbek.

Islam in thw U.S. almost 1 years now. His mother and his younger sisters went back to their country. He misses his friends and family, he said it is not as dangerous in his country now. So he wants to go back to his country. In his story I learn that the was is very dangerous and the was happen anytime in anywhere. This is my partner, Islam's story.

1 comment:

  1. By: Islam (the main character)

    I think you gave main idea that I wanted to tell you!
