Sunday, April 28, 2013

13 Years of Love

By Shobi Guan

           Every first time become history, but it also become a memory. I think to keep thirteen years of love is not easy to keep going, but my cousin can do it. My cousin and his girlfriend knew each other in a program, they use thirteen years of love to prove they will forever love each other.
            They met each other for the first time in Oct. 1999. She was fifteen years old, he was seventeen years old. They joined the program call "Young Life". At that time, they played a game call "The same", and then they sat together. That moment he met her, he thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world. She felt he was a monkey, because he had long bread, but his smile thawed her heart. So they remembered each other, they started the first step of love.
            From 2000 to 2005. These five years, they felt calm and sweet, because they could see each other. When they graduated in high school, they went to different colleges. They couldn’t see each other in the same time, so they felt very difficult to keep this love. After five years of sweet love, they had seven years of long distance love. In these seven years, they were three times when they wanted to give up each other, because they had better friends, different topics and experiences, they felt difficulties with communication. But they still believed in their love for each other.
              When they graduated in college, he was an IT worker, she was an Office Lady. They couldn’t give up each other, because they knew the long distance was the most difficult of their love. Right now, he wants her to challenge herself to try more things; also she wants him to be more romantic. I want him and her to forever love each other, because thirteen years love is not easy for everyone.
           In 1999, they met each other, in 2000 they got together, in 2013 they got married, 2/22/2000 to 2/22/2013, 13 years of love. 2/2/2013, this day. He wore western clothes and she wore a white dress. At that time, he felt nervous and she had happy tears, because of they said: “Yes, I do.”, to each other. Yes, I do, it proved they don’t give up each other forever.
           The 13 years of love, they give me tips of trust and patience. These two words are very difficult to achieve, because you need to trust his/her every words, forgive his/her every mistakes. I am very proud of them, because he lives in US, has many girl-friends, but my cousin only loves his girlfriend and she forgave my cousin every mistakes.
           In Chinese parents’ opinions, they think in our academic life, we should study hard, no more love, they even control us, which kinds of friends we know. But I think when we start work, we only know how to earn money, and keep going to improve ourselves. After few years, your friends get married, her boyfriend is from her high school, and they are classmates. But you are not getting married, you still a single. And your parents start to ask you: “Do you have boyfriend?” “Why not? You start getting old.” “If you don’t know a boyfriend, you will be a single forever.” Sometimes they are so mean, but when I was a high school student, you tell me to study hard, I can’t make more friends. So that can’t make sense. Right now, my aunt still blames my cousin, because he was falling in love at high school, and he couldn’t get into a good college. My cousin also proved a fact that falling in love in love in high school, is not a bad thing.
             13 years of love, they got married. They will have more and more 13 years of their love. Mr. Right maybe is behind you, I wish you will be the next 13 years of love’s person.


  1. nice story i love it hope u can write more stories like this from :jerry qin

    1. Thank you~~~
      Next time, i will write your story!!

  2. I hope they can have a cute baby in the future.
    ----Sherman Chen^-^

  3. awwww ternurita!!! cosita

  4. I hope I you can have a love longer than them, and them get marry.

  5. woooooooo,so cool

  6. The good story about love. My favorite part about your story is how your cousin marry after they meet 13 years. by Gary Yu

  7. What a sweet story. My favorite part about you story is they could get married after the seven years of long distance love.
    By Kimberly

  8. Mr. Right maybe is behind you, I wish you will be the next 13 years of love’s person.
    your bb.

  9. I hope you can have a good marriage soon!!
    __by cuiting!!

  10. wow :"> that's so cute :">
