Tuesday, April 23, 2013

On The Other Side

By: Tania Santos

      I am going to write about Angel. Angel is a 19 years old, who is from Oaxaca Mexico. Angel is a boy who is a good student at San Francisco International High School.


     2009 was when story of Angel Cortes started Angel moved to American when he was 16 years old. Angel has been here 3 years and 8 months. Angel likes to live in America because it betters then the life that used to have in Mexico. For example eat 3 times for day. Angel moved here because he was looking for a job and because his mother and brother were here in the country. Angel’s first impression of the country is that it was a huge country with very big buildings, and also everyone spoke a different language than him. Angel favorite food in U.S.A is pizza and hamburger because used to eat only Mexican food like enchiladas. Angel thinks the most important thing that he has in American is his family and education. Angel first time that his saw his family again is the first time that saw family again felt happy.

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