Monday, April 22, 2013

Daniela Arce

                                                                     The Memories of my mother

My mother’s name is Marina Cabanillas, she is from Peru and her story is about a bad experience that she had when was 32 years old.
My mother never had this kind of experience before. In the year  1987 in Chosica, Lima, Peru; in a place label in the hills , the torrential rains happen often, as a result of this, the rain mixes  with mud and rocks,  it slides down the hill taking with it stuff like kitchens, animals, clothes , even people. In Peru we call it a “Huayco”.
A huayco slid down the hill near to my mother’s house near where my mother and grandmother lived.
When the Huayco happened my mother was working in a place called “La Molina” and is far away from home.
My mother was in her way going home after work. She took the bus but when she was in half of the way. Her bus stopped, nobody could continue driving because the road was closed. The police was there and many other people talking about that a Huayco slid down.
When my mother heard about the Huayco she got really nervous and upset. She was shocked and couldn’t stop thinking about my sister. At that time my sister was a little baby.
My mother was desperate to see my sister, she even thought that probably my sister was dead.
Then, she had to walk for about an hour. Also when she was a little near to home she
had to keep walking but there was a watercourse (a residue of the huayco). Even it was a remainder the water with the mud was up to her neck. She took off her heels and put her bag around her neck. And she held two people’s hand and cross the watercourse with other people like a chain. She got hurt because many rocks got stuck in her feet.
After that, she walked up to the hill. When she got home, she felt the happiest person in the world because her daughter was alive and healthy. Then, she met her other family members.
Even though she was hurt, she didn’t care about it, she was just thinking all the time in find her daughter. After this she went to the hospital because of her feet.
My mom was really lucky because many people died in this Huayco, to make it worse some utility poles feel down on the water and some people were electrocuted, but my mother didn’t pass this.
In my mother’s opinion the hardest part was to climb up the hill until get home because usually she takes the bus.
After all of this, many Huaycos occurred but not as dangerous or terrible as this one. If my mom had the opportunity to change something she wouldn’t change anything because she tried her best  to get home and see her child.

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