Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Color Green

By Carmen
I think color green represents nature, hope, change and brand-new life. Someone said, "The cultures of Kyrgyzstan are filling with features". In my opinion, Kyrgyzstan is strange and mysterious like Egypt. I didn't even hear about this country before. And now, we are going to talk about the stories of an Uzbek boy who is from Kyrgyzstan.
Akbar is seventeen-year old. When I was first meeting Akbar in the computer lab, I still remember that I asked him to teach me how to pronounce his name correctly three times. In my first sight, I was kind of confused that he is a Spanish or Asian. Akbar has white skin and big brown eyes. He is as active as a monkey. He is an interesting boy because his life is full of jokes and laughter. One time, his brother was walking and he sneezed suddenly. And then, his brother just said, "bless you! thank you!" to himself loudly. After that, everyone was laughing and laughing. This is the reason that makes him so optimistic, his family.
 American Dream is a kind of social mobility. Every immigrant has their own American Dreams. They came to United States for many different and special reasons. Some of them came for wealth. Some of them came for job opportunities. Some of them came for educations. Then, what American Dream do you think is for Akbar 's family? They came to San Francisco in the summer of 2010. Akbar said, "we immigrated to San Francisco because of better life and education. It's also hard to live in Kyrgyzstan and our green cards were accepted". It’s a typical reason, right? Even many people would have the same reason as them. The first day of school gave him a big headache. Akbar followed the wrong classmates to a wrong class. One day, when he was entering Ms. Jessica’s class and Ms. Jessica was asking him some simple questions. However, he was still new in English so he couldn’t understand her well and he just went sit down. Do you know what happened next? Ms. Jessica gave him a referral. But he told me the silliest thing, he didn’t even know what referral is in that time.
In addition, there was a war happening between two nations, Kyrgyzstan people and Uzbekistan people. In that time, more than one thousand people died in the war. They burned each other's houses and slaughtered for no reason. People said, love is like a handful of sand, the more you grip, the more pain you have. But the more you loosen, also the more you lose. I think war is the same as that. The more you want to get from the war, also more deaths, vacancies and fears you cause.
There are many differences between San Francisco and Kyrgyzstan. In Kyrgyzstan, people need to walk two miles for getting the bus stops. In general, people will shake hands when they meet every day. If they are closer friends, they will hug each other. If they are relatives or not seeing each other for a long time, they might give kisses in their cheeks. Furthermore, schools start at eight o’clock am and end at one o’clock pm. They have 6 periods and each period is forty-five minutes. Akbar also had abundant experiences in working , he helped his brother to run his business when he was in sixth grade. He joined one program which is leading children to different places of interest by riding bikes in summer.
 “Steal my breath away, cause I am so moved by you, deeper than I even thought. ” this is one of the lyrics from We Are One by Kelly Sweet. There are many Chinese people who living in Kyrgyzstan and Akbar didn’t even think about he would have a Chinese girlfriend one day. Different language, cultures, habits and etc. are big problems. However, he met his Chinese girlfriend who called Carmen in computer lab on one Wednesday. He was in the computer lab with his team partners (Morad). He saw a girl coming in and she attracted him with her phone which is same as his. He made a joke of it in that time, “hey, why did you steal my phone?” , seven words pulled them together. After that, he started to think about her and he thought that if they have a same phone, they should be same too. He liked her at first sight.
Lastly, he is still creating his own stories every day! “What is your favorite color, Akbar?” “I like green”.

1 comment:

  1. awww that was a cute story, good job! sweetie :) by Daniela Arce
