Monday, April 22, 2013

Story about Love


                                                Ana Anariba's story  about love
I was interviewing Ana about love. She was 18 years old. She was living in Villa franca (Tegucigalpa). She know my father because he was his student my mom was teaching him in her free times it was like tutoring only for him because he didn’t know anything. She living with your mom, your, father and your sisters. Your first kiss was in the school. The strongest memory that she have is when she get married because was a day special. Your wedding was December 12 in civil and December 13 for the church of 1985. Your courtship started since. She was 18 years old. She felt good though we are apart she have memories of good times sad but always love.
One day she decide to move to the united states because she hard a lot of problem with your husband than your husband decide to come to live with she but supposedly the think that they are going to come back like a couple but he ruined everything because we had problems Everyday. They decide to separate he comeback to Honduras. So she stay in the USA. But he left with your daughters they decide that she is going to send us money everything 6 moths after he got a new girlfriend that in the same had a little baby. So she and your husband still friends but they still married.


  1. omg is very good!!!!! i loved it :)

  2. Atlai (tally) xDMay 2, 2013 at 8:47 AM

    me gusto mucho tu historia es bueno que compartas con nosotros esa historia tan chida XD creo que ese dia gano el olimpia ! :)

  3. omg gano olimpia olimpia es el papa el campion de la copa tululututl;ul jejejeje :)

  4. Atlai (tally) xDMay 2, 2013 at 8:52 AM

    yeah !! comimos sopa de aguila xD

  5. bania zuniga(ani)May 2, 2013 at 8:58 AM

    si nunca compartiste computadora con tus companeros en la escuela no tu viste infancia jejejjejej

  6. Atlai (tally) xDMay 2, 2013 at 8:59 AM

    siii ! pero como 6 por computadora xD !!!

  7. bania zuniga(ani)May 2, 2013 at 9:01 AM

    jejejje si es cierto pero gano olimpiaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

  8. Atlai (tally) xDMay 2, 2013 at 9:03 AM

    seee !! si esa barra no se ba ala salida ban aber quien ba a ganar tulululu

  9. jajajaja grasias..... OLIMPIA EL PAPA OKAY

  10. nosean payasos jeje buena tu historia nadia

  11. jejejeje luis luis luis loco..... :D
