Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Life of a Lady

By Jerry Qin
Ms.Liz is my history teacher and also she was my advisory teacher, this time the person that I interview is Ms.Liz i ask about what she wants to be when she is young and what kind of job she wants and what’s the job do. Ms.Liz just started to work at SFIHS, this is a new life for her because she needs to meet the new student and used the different way to teach and she needs to know what king of language the student speaks.

Ms.Liz is from L.A she lived in a city of L.A calls Pasadena she lived there when she was young and that is the place that she start her life, And she leave that town at 2007 she leave there because she needs to go teach at Oakland and that how she start to be a teacher.

Long time ago when Ms.Liz was young she is thinking the same thing just like us she will do so many crazy thing and have a crazy dream, The crazy thing that she did was she went to a very dangerous town to taking care of a kids and that town has so many drug and many people have gun with them, She wants to be a virologist which is a scientist for experiment the disease and this job was a high-risk job.

When Ms.Liz was young she have a lot of strongest memories but she just told me one and this memories surprise me because she ditch school and go to a park with her friend, the strongest memories for her was the day of graduate college she feel work very hard at the college and she finally graduate and go find a job she feel very successful for this.

She pick to be a teacher she teach in a place that has so many African people there and she felt so bad for those kids, I don't know why she will feel sad for those kids but i know she has a reason to felt sad for those kids, sometimes I think it has something at Oakland that will make Ms.Liz felt bad maybe someday I will know the story about the kids.

Ms.Liz is one of my favorite teachers and she had her own story and life, for her life she had so much experience of how to be a teacher and she is a really nice person she treated all her student well and she try her best to teach us all the things that she know.