Monday, April 22, 2013

The Civil War In El Salvador .

           My dad was ten years old when the civil war happened in El Salvador. He described the war. The war was bloody that killed thousands of people, children, elderly and people who had nothing to do with war. Since 1976 started to form armed group that formed for support poor people.  The war  started by armed groups that were formed to support poor people because these people were their battered and stripped of property (land, livestock and other belongings) for example of how the war began to form was:

Armed groups (FPL, ERP, FMLN) meeting in some basements were doing some public buildings, private and some Catholic Churches. These meetings were planning and attack on the government of El Salvador.

            He remembers when they throw burning buses, electric lampposts, also he remembers that there was a slaughter carried out buy the army at a place called El Mozote in the east killed many people, children and adults, some burned is assumed that this was done because these people had communication with  the guerrillas. He says that happened hints of stay, which were made by the army.

            .The guerrillas stopped on the road to buses and extorted money from passengers to buy food  and complete the purchase of weapons.

            .The army stopped on the road to buses and vehicles suspects to confiscate weapons.

           .The guerrillas and the military conducted forced recruitment.

          The war started in 1980 and ended in 1992. The war was internal  in the country where they forced El Salvador (FAES) in against the forces insurgents the Farabundo Marti for release national (FMLN). He say that fight the government fight armed forces and the guerrilla on the left. El Salvador received help economic and material belico (weapons) from United States, also many people died people because when they faced the army and the guerrilla, approximately 75,000 dead and missing.

           Armed conflict concluded after a dialogue between the parts, with the signing of a peace agreement which allowed the demobilization of the guerrilla forces and joining the country’s political life.

By: Krissia Martinez.

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