Monday, April 22, 2013

The Distance Between the Family

By:Leslie Caamal

In this story speak about the immigration of my dad in United States. For him it was difficult and sad it come here because he left his family, and it was hardest to leaven his child because not had lived much with him is a person that does not like problems and always this slope of his child.

Ricardo is from the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico. He is forty five years old. This is not first time that it is here, has been here seven years. He had been before in United States. Ricardo’s family is in Mexico. Ricardo misses his family because he wants play with his kids. He hardly lived and played with his children.                                Ricardo felt sad because his kids leave just growing up. He felt better after coming here because he was not in danger or in the border. Nothing happed to Ricardo but his best friends were dying from not having water. Once he was dying almost the same way. When tried to cross the border, he was caught by immigration. Ricardo did not have legal problems before. Ricardo knows English so-so but can more in the reading. Ricardo thinks he will stay long because his daughter it is studying’s here and it is a great opportunity her. Ricardo returned to try to pass because he didn’t want to fail his children.   

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