Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Catching the colorful life

By Kenneth Xiao

            Friendship is one of the most important things in a human’s life. There is just darkness waiting for you in your life if you don’t have friends. Everyone wants a colorful life, so does my mother.
            My mother is exactly a Chinese woman, so she didn’t know any English before she came to the United States. But one thing I like the most is that she is hardworking. This personality helps her learn a lot. She is learning English by taking class right now and she is improving. Also, she is a good person in her friends’ eyes. Actually, my mother has a lot of friends. So her life is kind of colorful.
            In the beginning of the interview, I asked my mom about the story of her first friend. That was the first time that she felt “color” in her life. My mother met her first friend when she was a little girl, going in elementary school. Something interesting was, mother’s first friend’s name was the same as my mother’s sister’s name except for one letter. My mother met her because they were in the same group in the school. They talked to each other, and then they became friends. My mother said that her friend was kind of a quiet girl, but when mom talked to her, she talked back. So I thought God was helping them to be friend with each other. After school, they usually played together, and sometimes they gave gifts to each other. Therefore, they had good relationship. However, after middle school, in 1981, the friend immigrated to Canada, and because of the long distance between the two countries, they couldn’t contact each other. So they stopped contacting since of 1981, and they didn’t even meet each other one more time. My mother’s first friendship was end in 1981.
            After one year of the immigration of her first friend, my mother went out to work. Then she became friends with many people so she got a lot of new “colors”. She told me she liked her friends. I asked her why she liked her friends, well, I know that’s kind of like a stupid question, but I did ask her. Then she told me that friends could talk to each other, help each other when need help, they can share happiness with each other, and friends could help you get out from sadness. Actually, my mother had a good friend when she first went out to work. Her friend was an outgoing woman and she liked to help people, she was hardworking also, and the most important thing about her that my mother thought was she knew how to save money.  I think that’s why they went together, because my mother loved money and trying to save as much as she can.  I thought that is the common between women.
            After that, I asked my mother about something she did with her friends, and she said they went to travel together many times. One time, they went to a vocational village by riding bikes. On one hand, I was surprised about that they were riding bikes to travel, but on the other hand, I think that’s a good way to go to travel, because you can get a lot fun while you are going. They went to a mountain after the bikes riding, and they saw some good and beautiful scenery. After that, they went to the pool and play with water for fun, and they also rested because of the tired mountain walking. In the evening, they ate barbecue as their dinner (What a good trip….). The next day, they got up early and went on to the mountain to see the sunrise. I feel that’s so romantic. And my mother felt so happy about the trip.
            Now is the main point about my interview. The purpose of my interview is to ask about my mother’s opinion of friends. Why I want to ask that? Because I see my mother has a lot of friends and I don’t. Well, when I was in China I did have many friends, but after I went to the United States, I felt like I didn’t like before. So I want to ask about friends so I can gain something to help me to make more friends. My mother told me that she liked to meet different kinds of people and make friends with them. For example, some of my mother’s friends are quiet, some are outgoing, some like to travel a lot, some like to cook…… My mother likes to be friend with people who is knowledgeably and careful to others. So do I. Because that kind of friends can become my “teacher”, I can always learn something from them, and they can make me think and feel good about my life. My mother doesn’t like being friends with people who are sly or niggardly or violent or unknowledgeable, like the people who acts like they know everything and always saying bad words in every sentence. I also hate that kind of people, because they make me feel bad when I am with them, they are not the kind of people that in the same world as me. I never am being friends with them. Actually, I already got some good friends in the new country, the United States, so does my mother. I am proud at her that she made some friends here. Even though they don’t exactly have good relationship, but they can call each other “friend”. Those are my mother’s opinion of friends.
            My interview is end here. I actually didn’t gain anything about how to get friends from this interview, but at least I got some interesting stories from my mother that I didn’t know before. Anyways, I learned that friend is the best thing that you can have. Real friends will always be in your side when you need them. So, from now on, I am going to make more friends, to catch the colorful life.

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