Tuesday, April 30, 2013

An immigrantion story

Her name is Krissia Martinez. She have 17 years old. She is from El Salvador. She lived in her country with her mom her dad and her brother. She immigrated to the United States in May 1, 2012. Because her family decided it will be for the better future and better life for her and her brother. She immigrated to the United Stated on an airplane. She immigrate for the United States, because the give her the  resident. A little difficult because her hand and her grandfather live in the Salvador alone with her hand. Her live in the United States with her mom, my her and her brother. Yes, she is happy in the United States because here her have a better future and news friends. She think no because she only studies and does not work.


  1. This is very good.You will have a good life.

  2. ???? why is about you?
