Tuesday, April 30, 2013

An immigrantion stories

By Tania
My mother’s name is Concepcion and she is from Mexico. She came 10 years ago, she learned English when she came to United State. She went to City College 2 months. She said was 32 years old when she came to USA and she learned new language. When she went to City College she said she was happy but a little nervous because it was first time to speaking that language and hard language. Also she said in her work she practiced a little of English. She said she would like to learn more of that language. But it was difficult to learn English very well. But she would try to learn more. She is an immigrant in desert, she came with the “coyote” and all that says it was very difficult, came here. She didn’t speak too much English, only when she need to speak. She teaches knitting, paint also helps others who do not understand much Spanish or English, because she speaks two different languages, and then it translates them things when they are in court. In her job she doesn’t any English only the two types of language.

1 comment:

  1. your story is happy and sad. you need felt proud about your mom she is a great woman!!!
