Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Travel Of War

  By: Changming

During world war 2, Japanese invading my grandfather’s city worried about they will kill people and rob, so my grandfather and his parents and his sisters star to escaped from their city, since Japanese soldiers take down Beijing, they just killed people who against them, but at the later time of the war, the Japanese soldier killed many people and robed thing for no reason, before the war my grandfather was rich, he life whit his family, he was rich, because my grandfather’s grandfather sanded money to them from America, so also his life was good, but during the war japan broken all the transportation in china, so his grandfather can’t send  the money to them, that time was the most poor time when his was a little boy, when japan invading china my grandfather felt worst.

  When Japanese soldiers were invaded NaJin, they killed all the citizen, they were innocent, he think maybe 30 minion people dead in NanJin, when my grandfather stared escaped the first place they went was form Beijing to Guangzhou, but after about 1 and half year, the Japanese soldiers invading to Guangzhou, so they went to Hong Kong, but after one year, Japan invade to Hong Kong, in that time you can’t see china at the map, but my grandfather escape’s last stop is Taishan, Taishan is he’s home town, their home town isn’t Beijing, they just go to study. My grandfather most dangers moment and difficult thing was when he with families escaped from Hong Kong to Taishan, that time if the Japanese soldiers if some people who are escaping or against them, they just shoot them and kill them, my grandfather’s families and the helper who mastery the escape line that go away from Hong Kong, that time the soldiers was close to found them, there were every single corner had guarder, my grandfather thought there when the guarder go away to other place patrol. After this they arrived Taishan, there was safe, because those people gave food and resource to soldiers, so they not hurt people. At that time was hardest time for my grandfather, because they can’t get money from his grandfather they were poor, they didn’t had food.

  My grandfather think war is bad because will so many people dead, if war happen again he would don’t know what to do, because it didn’t happen.

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