Sunday, April 21, 2013

Change World - Teach With Love

   By: Qihao Yu  
     ‘‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’’ Nelson Mandela said that. Now we will talk about a teacher’s story. This is a story about teaching with love.

       The leading character in this story is Ms Puja. Ms Puja was born in small city outside Detroit. She grew up with two older brothers. When Ms Puja was a child, she liked school, reading and playing with friends. This is the childhood for Ms Puja. This is same as lot of people.

       In 1988, Ms Puja started go to school for study. This year, she was 4 years old. In school, Ms Puja started contact with the education. She learned in school. She knew what student like. Also she knew what could help the student learn. I believe that if you haven’t been a student, you can’t be a good teacher. In college, Ms Puja met her favorite teacher. She was smart, short, funny and friendly. She let Ms Puja know that teaching can be fun. Ms Puja started to think that teaching may change the world. In 2002, Ms Puja graduated college. She was proud, excited and happy. At the same time, she was scared, because she didn’t know her future. In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.” Ms Puja didn’t know that she was ready become a teacher.

       First, Ms Puja wanted to be a writer but she thought it was difficult. Second, Ms Puja remembered her teachers and friends who said, ‘‘Puja, you can be a good teacher.’’ Also the girl appeared in her brain. ‘‘I want to change the world.’’ This girl is Ms Puja as a child. Consequently Ms Puja decided to become a teacher.

       When Ms Puja taught for the first time, she was very scared. She was worried that she would say the wrong thing and teach the wrong thing to her students. Also she was worried students would do bad things. When she finished her class, she thought it was funny that she was nervous. Ms Puja first taught outside in mountains. She and her students learned about science and geography. They observed the tadpoles in the river. Also they played in the mountains. Maybe teaching facts can give more ‘‘knowledge’’ than playing outside, but Ms Puja knows that her students had the good experience in this time and that experience is important. I believe that if you away read your book in your classroom, you may get the good grade. But you forever can’t the whole world. You may know everything about the tadpoles. But you forever can’t know the real tadpoles. You need to screw up to learn. You need to experience to create greatness.” Laurie Faria Stolarz said that.

       After outdoor school, Ms Puja went to Stanford to get my Master's Degree and teaching credential. Ms Puja decided to leave outdoor school and go to stanford because Ms Puja know that she need to better if she wants to become a good teacher. ‘‘Learning to Teach Is Not Enough: Future Teachers Also Need To Learn How To Learn.’’ MH Dembo said that. This sentence means teacher need to teach by learn.

Ms Puja spent a whole year to learn with different students. She wanted to know more about students. If you want others to listen to you, you first have to listen to them. It is like echo. For the same reason, Ms Puja wants students listen to her and believes her, she first has to understand the students. When Ms Puja finished her class, she already understood how to be a good teacher.

       If students do the wrong thing in class, Ms Puja would talk with them and try to understand them. If they have a problem, Ms Puja would help them to solve it. Ms Puja, once being a student, can consequently understand students. She cans Empathy with action. Ms Puja will feel very proud and sad when her students graduate, as if seeing herself to follow her dream in the past and also as the mother who saw her children grow.

       ‘‘Study the past if you would define the future.’’ Confucius said that. Ms Puja believes that; she thinks everyone is different but they all can be successful. Education is the important key to open the successful gate. We need to get it to be successful. Also education can change social classes. We learn the history; consequently we can avoid the bad thing happening again. Now, Ms Puja teaches in SFIHS. She loves it there. She loves her job. She believes that her job will change the world sooner or later. A lot of teachers are like Ms Puja. They do the same thing. This may difficult. This way may have many Obstacles. But I know they will still live on and on. I believe that because of teachers, the world will be better sooner or later.