Monday, April 22, 2013

Ermias Kidane

                   The war in horn Africa
My dad name Ogbu he is from Eritrea. When he was seven years old1 there was a war between two country Eritrea and Ethiopia, this war started because Ethiopia Cloned Eritrea and then Eritrea Liberate after that Eritrea fought against Ethiopia for 30 years. But there was break out in may1998 about the control or ownership in small land. At the end of the war Ethiopia held all of the disputed territory and had advanced into Eritrea After the war ended, the Eritrea–Ethiopia Boundary Commission, a body founded by the UN, established that the disputed territory at the heart of the conflict belongs to Eritrea. As of 2013[update], Ethiopia still occupies the territory.  And it hasn’t ended yet now there is no war no peace between the two countries. When the war started it was very severe and destructive many people lost their lives. And many people became disabled and a lot of property where destroyed. Half million people died in between the two country. The most difficult for my father was they weren’t peace just war and they don’t have enough food or supplies of necessities. When he was young he saw such as bad things like children lost their father and mother and parents lost their children or they become disabled. From that time it was hard to live in the city. My dad decides to go to other ruler area. And the place he went is hard to live because its small city it covered by trees and animals it like forest but my dad where hiding in cave because the Ethiopian soldiers where everywhere. And my dad said war is war is sense. The bad thing was women have to fight to because they weren’t enough mans to fight for the war and the women’s are like 30 percent. But Eritrea is  one of the world's poorest countries, and Ethiopia one of the oldest—spent hundreds of millions of dollars on the war, and suffered tens of thousands of casualties as a direct consequence of the conflict which resulted in minor border changes and even Ethiopia have a lot of money or supply the don’t win the war.


  1. What a detailed Story! They Should Stop fighing thou
