Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Far Away from Home

 By: Arturo Garcia
      Ana is a 38 year old woman she immigrated to the United States in 1998. She came to this country for one reason that reason is to her kids a better future. Ana told me her son that while she was n she immigrating she always thinking about how we were going to grow up without a mom in our side. When she got here she starts living with her mom. One day I ask her what do you like about the U.S.A? She told me she told that she likes that she can have a job and give me and my siblings what we need.
     I just talked about her immigration story but now I will talk about something that is related to it. When my mom got here she worked and worked she got married here. The result of the marriage was a kid my brother. Now that I am here with her I asked her about the difference between having an American kid and a Salvadorian kid. She told me nothing is different.                                                                                                
    My mom didn’t want to tell me what was the difference my sister and me that were born in El Salvador and my brother that is born in the U.S.A. Finally she went into my room and talk to me about my brother. She said the difference is that the kid that immigrates they care more about school than the kids that are born here. She told me that we respect more than the kids that are born here. Finally she told me that my sister and I were more obedient.

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