Monday, April 22, 2013

Jiafeng Du

                                                      The immigration
the story is writing about my mother, so I want to introduce her.

I am Jia Feng. My mother’s name is Ping Zhang, she is from China, she was 47years old, when she came to the United States, and she was 43years old. At the beginning, it was too difficult to live in the United States, because she only had one friend and her friend helped her find the work.

The reasons she wanted to come here are because here the air is better than her city and here is very beautiful, when she first came to the United States, before she came here, she felt is very difficult, because she do not understood any English, so her pay from the job was very low, she was poor, but she was very lucky, because met my father. His name is Myron. After my father likes her, then they knew each other about 2 years.

They got married in 2011 and then they lived together. They wanted to choose the house in San Francisco, so they chose to live in Balboa 45AVE, the reason are it is near the beach, and they like to see the beach.

After married, they traveled to New York, Hawaii and China. Then they took me to go to the U,S,A and began a new life after our life is better than before in China, and my father is very good and take care of my mother with me.


  1. Wonderful life! But where is your first father?

  2. 大神兄弟-泰山May 2, 2013 at 10:02 AM

    GOOD STORY, you have a wonderful life, big god Du!!!神哥

  3. I think you can describe what your parent's look like. That's can make the story more interesting. And you should talk about why and how your mom came to U.S.A..
