Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Little Elvis

By Elvis Lin

  If you ask people who Elvis is, they may say “A famous singer”. But if you ask my family, “A funny boy”.

  There are a lot of funs when I was a child. Like I had to drink milk by feeder before sleep, if not, I would jump and jump around without end, but I don’t think is fun enough, I think that the hid event is the funniest thing.

  During my first year of living, I lived in a village. There is a kind of ugly woman in the neighborhood, she always walked around to ask buying old household appliances, she always passed my house, and I actually didn’t like her at all, and one day I went to ask my mother why is she so ugly, I don’t like her, she is a monster.” My mom wanted punishment me because I was so rude. “She actually is your mom, she asked me to look after you and she always pass our house because she wants to see you, and she misses you.” My mom played joke with me, I was so confuse and I cried. After that, I hid when that woman passed my house, every time!
           There is the other fun thing, I remember that when I was 6 years old, it is time to have permanent teeth, I had a loose tooth, and I was scary because that tooth made me feel pain, and it almost fell down, my grandpa took me to a dentist to get my tooth down, I was very scary that, because the dentist held a big pliers, that pliers is big for me at that time maybe. And I just cried and cried, a few minute late, I heard some laugh, I didn’t what was going on, I closed my mouth to stopped crying, and I felt like there was a hole on my teeth, my grandpa told me that dentist had finished take my tooth, and after that, I cannot speak clear, and I was always speak some funny Chinese with a wrong pronounce, because of my tooth.
            “But I don’t think it is funny enough” I said to my mom, “because you don’t know what was your emotion and action, you crouched, got two eyes tight up and a little tremble.” My mom answers me. “You were so funny, at that year, all of us is family didn’t tell you the fact, because you always make us laugh when you hid, even your grandma, your grandma loves you the most” I was so happy that you are my son.

    I am not living with my parents now, when I interviewed them, they were so exclamatory, “15 years went by in a flash, u became a teenager that don’t need us, we were so proud of you. We always miss you!” I also always miss you, mom and dad.



  1. hey elvis so interesting stuffs from your life tho!

  2. good stories and it makes want to cry. From: Jerry Qin
